Media Mentions

Rebecca Traverso, near her home in Carlsbad, CA

Rebecca Traverso, near her home in Carlsbad, CA


These Thriving Women-Owned Businesses Call Carlsbad Home


“Women today are close to 50% of the workforce but are still subject to wage discrimination. Our added responsibilities at home still make it hard to succeed. Women have the burdens of childcare and traditional roles that keep us looking through the glass ceiling. We need an avenue to thrive and have something for ourselves. This type of work gives us these possibilities that corporate careers don’t.”

Opportunity Comes from the Least Expected Places

REDEFINE BLOG- November 2016

“Rebecca Traverso wanted to be fully present in all aspects of her life. She dreamt about having the freedom and flexibility to spend her days as she chose—from traveling to simple things like taking her kids to school and being home to make dinner. By starting her own business, and fully committing herself to it, that dream finally became a reality.”