I’m glad you’re here.


Hi, I’m Rebecca!

You know that moment when you realize you just can not go on one more moment the way things are? When your plate is overflowing…you’re being pulled in a million directions…you’re doing a lot ok, but not much great. I had that. Many times. As a wife and mom to 2 young girls working as a full-time teacher by day and serial start-the-dryer-over-again-because-I-didn’t-have-time-to-unload-it-er, I was busy. And overworked. And underpaid. And, most certainly exhausted. Sound familiar? I know I couldn’t go on for the rest of my life on autopilot anymore. I knew I had to make a change. I was missing my kids growing up, even missing myself, well, the old me. I wanted to slow down and I wanted it now!


I wanted to be able to make a living while being an active and present mom. Today, I partner with others like you, helping them dream bigger than they ever have before.

In most careers, the rest of our lives seem to orbit around them. The balance always seemed off to me. Why couldn’t I have what’s important to me- my family and personal interests (Barre class at 9 anyone?)- be at the center of my world? Wouldn’t I be happier if that was my priority? The answer friends, was YES! There is another, better way to live you life, not just make a living.


If you think this sounds like you, let’s chat. I’ve helped thousands of women build the business of their dreams on their terms and around their busy lives, and I would love to work with you too.